Wednesday, June 23, 2010

May the Best Man Win.

What happened to this "historical" phrase? As of late, it's all about pessimism and just trying not to sink as low as the other guy.

Not too long ago, we could flip on the TV during the summer and see some political ad campaigns, and see a candidate saying how good he would be and what "good things" he'd do if he made it into office. No prob. I like that.

We'll see two candidates doing everything except physically decapitating or murdering each other.

Wait, what?


Candidate X (X): Why don't you want Candidate Y (Y) in office? BECAUSE! He supported abortion, or he opposed prop 8, or he used tax payers money to buy things for his house or go on holiday with his family to Cozumel, etc etc etc.

First of all, we should know they take our money and get a car or a new gold-plated hot tub or that rare, overly-priced Monet or Picasso. Whatever, who cares.


Why are these negative subjects needed? Are you that terrible of a person that you can't toot your own horn, and say what you do well. They just have to say what Y does worst. Have a little confidence, ya turd!

I even saw an ad where X said Y was too Democratic! HA! Um...


I mean that can't always be a good thing if someone is an extremist in that sense, but come on. Really? Too Democratic? That's all you got?

You suck, let's see some positives, eh?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Gorgeous Day

So, today is a beautiful day outside. What could possibly make it terrible in any sort of way?

Two words, when combined, make one of the worst, most disgusting phrases since cavemen invented fire:

Long Lines.


Not, just checking out in your normal visit to Target or the convenience store. NO. But everywhere.

To sit down at a restaurant
Waiting 3-4 rotations of red lights just to make it through this one light!
Being on hold!!! Even from a business that has 7 clients TOTAL!

Can we have ways of better fluidity as a society, please!? Is this too much to ask? Oh, boy.

You know what makes these lines worse, though?

What I like to call "rubber-neckers" or "line shufflers"

We all know what rubber-neckers are. The ones who are all over the line looking at magazines or chewing gum, thinking, "I wonder if I'm in the mood for Insane Strawberry, or Wacky Watermelon..." or whatnot, and completely unaware of the line they chose to partake of.

Line shufflers really pluck my nose hair. These are the ones that say, "Oh crap, I forgot mustard, or my kitty litter for Mr. Fluffles!" Then, they feel it's ok to quick run and get it, and to mark their spot, they leave their 7 year old chubby son, who has a name like Melvin or Bobby Jr., who already devoured his king size Butterfinger, even on his left eyebrow! Left eyebrow! How do you get food up there!? OR to EXPECT their spot back in line after returning from their late-minded pickup. I hate you line shufflers. Go away.

stepping down.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


How's about this? I was going to make this my Friday post, but I absolutely had to skip it ahead to today. Why is replay not more implemented in sports!?

Poor Armando Galarraga.

Poor Detroit Tigers.

Neither have had such a pitching performance in their histories. And what happened. Blown call that couldn't be reversed by replay.

Thank you Jim Joyce.

Could be the worst call since we started filming sports.

The only positive that could come out of this is a big one, however. We see time after time in sports, referees and umps alike, making bad/poor calls.

They're human. They make mistakes. Why can't we accept a little humility and bring replay more into sports? This is pathetic trying to "preserve" sports integrity by not adding such technology and "help" to teams. That's complete baloney/bologna (whichever makes you happier) because sports have evolved so much even in the past 15 years. We need to evolve our referring and judging of these games.

This is what is infuriating me today.